How to Plan and Execute a Successful Home Renovation Project
When you’re renovating your home, it can be an exciting yet daunting process. You want to create the home of your dreams while being mindful of the costs associated with a project like this. Many people make the mistake of going into a renovation without understanding their budget and ending up overspending or cutting corners on essential parts of the process. Luckily, some effective techniques allow you to stay within your budget by adequately planning ahead and making wise decisions throughout every renovation journey. In this blog post, we will discuss how you can remain financially responsible during your renovation adventure and still get the beautiful results that you desire.
After undergoing the arduous home renovation process, my wife Daphne and I found a silver lining: it allowed us to use our techniques for communication with clients. By carefully considering each step, we created an environment built on mutual understanding - no small feat!
Researching and Planning:
Through thoughtful consideration, we used a powerful arsenal of creative tools to ensure the renovation was successful. We built an image library and fine-tuned our scope of work with a comprehensive program outline.
Take a look at the process.
I came across this article 5 Vital Tips for Sticking to Your Renovation Budget in DWELL magazine which offers excellent advice to help you prevent your budget from getting out of control.
Dont Rush the Bidding Process:
Yes. I cannot stress enough how critical (if not complex!) this is, but the payoff can be extraordinary. These are big decisions-even for an architect-and valuation, while painful, is the absolute best way to realize your dreams with a reasonable budget.
Contingencies Aside:
Having seen contingencies “justified out” of the bid by several clients, I knew this notion had to be sacrosanct. Remodeling is, in many ways, unpredictable. Leave yourself some room to operate. The act of remaking your personal space is already stressful enough.
DIY Limitations:
I’m pretty handy but also old enough now (wise enough?) to own my weaknesses and delegate where needed. If you’ve invested in the three aspects above, this should fall right into place.
Selective Splurging:
I cannot stress the importance of this enough. Be honest and name the three or four main goals for the project and silo them. Knowing where the project loses emotional equity is a great way to order your decisions and budgetary needs.